Metzgeria pubescens
Metzgeria pubescens (Metzgeriaceae)
Downy veilwort
Hairy all over Metzgeria
Distinguishing Features
An occasional species of trees and rocks (especially limestone), the whitish hue of dry M. pubescens is most apparent when the plant is thriving in tufts. When wet, the thallus shows pock marks around the abundant hairs that cover every surface of this attractive plant.
Similar species
With hairs all over the thallus, M. pubescens could only be mistaken for M. americana. Confident distinction between the two requires a microscope.
Dry to moist, usually shady rock outcrops, cliffs, boulders, tree trunks, and decayed wood in the lowland and montane zones; locally frequent in coastal BC, rare in nw and se [Rocky Mts.] BC.
Associated species